Simple Step To Success

Set yourself up, for success.

By Jeff Millet

Its that time of year again.

New Year, New beginnings, Renewed Focus.

One of the best ways to set yourself up for success, is to know what you want.

Seems easy enough, but when I ask people this, they often don't have a clear idea.

It is usually vague. Like.... get in shape. or make more money, be healthy.

Getting clear on what you actually want and why you want it, are huge.

Once you have a handle on what you want, then you can set a clear and concise goal.

Studies have show, Setting a clear goal increases confidence up to 20% .

20% - That is huge, and when you are trying to change your life and habits, having more confidence is paramount.


But getting clear on what you want can be difficult.

First you must create space to listen to what your true Self, wants.

By creating space, I mean turning off devices, distractions, getting to a quiet place, and asking yourself what do I really want in life.

Wait, be still, be quiet and listen to what thoughts come into your head.

Personally, I will do this with running, biking, breathwork, or meditation.

What Do I Want?

Why do I want it?

Once you have this clear, write it down. There is something powerful about writting goals down. It makes it real, concrete, and not just a thought that can be dismissed.

Then every morning, ask your self, what is the one thing I can do today, that will help me get closer to my goal?
Or what is the one thing I am avoiding doing, that will help me reach my goal?


Anything that is of value takes time to create. Whether it be a healthy body, a healthy bank account, or a healthy mindset.
It takes daily deposits to increase the value.It sure would be nice if we could go to work for a month or two and then take the rest of the year off.

Or do 2-3 workouts for a month and then shut it down and have a healthy ripped physique.

But that's not how the world works.
There is no "Buy Now" with "2 day free shipping" option for health, wealth, and happiness.
It takes consistent work, day in and day out.It takes having a growth mindset and clarity on what you want and why you want it.

Clarity & Consistency will set you up for success.
Support & Accountability will help you gain these to C's.

I just helped a client lose 30 pounds in 30 days.

We first got real clear on what he wanted, why he wanted it, then I provided him with a nutrition plan, a home workout plan, and a platform to keep him accountable.

It was then up to him, to be consistent, and do the work.

He stopped listening to his excuses on why it was too hard, and easier for other people. He stopped pretending that he didn't really care about his health, looks, habits.

I would love to help you get clear and concise on your goals.Reach out if you think I can help you out.

Jeff Millet



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