How to lose weight, with intermittent fasting.

Stress can cause weight gain.

I have first hand experience in this.

During the first few months of the pandemic shutdown, I was highly anxious and stressed, like you may have been.

Rightly so, I believed that my business might not recover, and I worried about being able to pay bills and support my family.

I found myself eating too much of the wrong foods, threw out my back, and therefore had to stop my exercise routine.

I went from 200 pounds, 209. I felt like garbage and could see a noticeable increase in belly fat.

Even as a personal trainer and strength coach, I am not immune to life’s stressors.

Just knowing what you should do, does not always equal implementation.

Once I became aware of, where I was at mentally, physically, and emotionally, I decided to dive into education on fat loss and create a plan to change.

I must have listened to 20 podcasts and read 3 books, on fat loss and metabolism.
Much of what I was learning, was touching up on information I had previously learned, but had stopped focusing on .

So, what is the best way to lose body fat?
Exercise, calorie restriction, low fat, low carb, keto, vegan, fasting, etc?
Simply reducing calories and increasing exercise, is not a sustainable plan.Eventually your body adapts to this and change stops.
Quality of food is important, as well as what our metabolism (hormones) do with the food we ingest.

Weight gain, or fat storage, occurs when there is a high amount of insulin produced in the body, over a long time range.
Insulin helps us store carbohydrates and protein, from the food we ingest. Insulin release is triggered by glucose in the bloodstream.
Too much insulin, means you will stay in storage mode, until levels go down.
The more we eat, especially fast buring carbs, the body responds by producing insulin.

If you chronically eat a diet high in carbohydrates, or you are constantly eating from sundown, to bedtime, you are forcing your pancreas to be cranking out insulin.
When insulin levels are high, it also increases a hormone called Leptin. This hormone is secreted by fat cells and signals the body to stop eating. It says, hey you are full, stop putting food in your belly.
Just like with any hormone or drug, the longer you are exposed to it, the body will develop a sensitivity to it. This means you need to produce more and more over time, to achieve the same response.

Over time this insulin and Leptin sensitivity, is what brings on obesity and Type 2 diabetes.
If you are constantly staying in storage mode (high insulin) and you never give your body time to bring those hormone levels down, you will never switch over to fat burning mode.

So how do we get our body to switch over into fat burning mode, from fat storage mode?
The answer, is with Intermittent Fasting. (IF)

IF is a pretty simple process. Eat during specific windows, in a specific way.
It may be a simple concept, but there is a specific way to implement it, to create greater results.
Done incorrectly, you may struggle with side effects like, cravings, mood swings, feeling light headed, nausea, etc.
You must strategically prepare your body for the process.Just like a workout plan, you don't start out doing the heaviest, most complex lifts the first week. Doing this would definitely cause you to fail or get injured.
You must set a foundation first, then incrementally progress.
I created a IF plan to lose 16 pounds of body fat, 8 weeks, with out all these above listed side effects.

I put in the time to research, learn, and implement this transformation program.
I would love to help you safely and effectively navigate IF, so you can lose body fat and create a healthier lifestyle. Fitness and workouts are crucial to being healthy. But nutrition is the biggest component to building a healthy body.

Our IF plan, is a 8 week, step by step plan.
Each week, you will receive information and objectives to focus on.
We offer weekly zoom calls, to coach and support you through the 8 weeks.
Let us help you, increase your quality of life.

Check out our Intermittent Fasting Plan

After clicking the link, you may need to create a free account on the teachable platform to view all the content.

We are excited to help out our new community of Georgetown Texas. We offer personal training for Austin, cedar park, Leander, and Round Rock as well. We work with athletes, weekend warriors, moms, dads, and anyone looking to gain strength, lose weight, increase energy, and people looking to create a happy healthy life.

Please reach out if you have any questions.


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