New Beginnings

I think it is important to have new beginnings in your life. It does not always need to be as drastic, as moving from Seattle to Austin, but it helps refresh and create a healthy mindset.

When we change our perspective, environment, community, and habits, it helps us to see what is working, or not, in our lives.

This can be seen across the board, from nutrition, fitness workouts, mindset, spirituality, and relationships, etc…

We recently moved to Georgetown Texas, and it has done amazing things to help us change our perspective. Our old routines, habits, and interactions have had to change. We are having to find a new way to live.

I think this is a great way to mix things up. If your health and fitness is boring,lagging, or nont working,try something new.

Maybe hire a personal trainer or nutrition coach to help you out. Getting a fresh set of eyes on you can help you find new exercises and or determine issues with your form or process.

The other day I went out for a drive, to get familiar with my new surroundings. I drove through Leander, Cedar Park, and Round Rock. As a health coach, I wanted to also check out other fitness facilities and peak inside their windows. It allowed me to see what other people in my industry are doing and helped me come up with some new ideas.

So my advice is to get out and explore new things and people.

If what you are doing isn’t working… try something new. Your brain and body will thank you.

Jeff Millet

Strength coach, personal trainer, life coach.


Hybrid Athlete


Sleep burns fat