Hybrid Athlete

What does it mean, to be a hyrid athlete?

Really what it comes down to, is to train as a strength and an endurance athlete.

Cardio and weights, built into one training program.

As a personal trainer in Georgetown TX, this is the angle I take with myself and my clients.

As an endurance athlete, I have met and know many in this lane, that don’t think they need to do strength training. But running, biking, and or swimming alone, will not give you a balanced injury reduced body. The beauty of lifting weights, core work, balance training, is that it helps strengthen and stabilize your joints and posture.

Having strong glutes and core help your posture and help support your knees during running.

Having a mobile and strong upper body, helps your swim stroke.

Strong quads, glutes, shoulders, and core help you produce more power on the bike and reduce common low back stiffness for cyclists.

An endurance athlete can do strength training while not becoming big and bulky.

Having worked with many endurance athletes over the years, the feedback I get once they have participated in strength training is:

  • I can go faster

  • I can go longer

  • My joints don’t ache

  • I recover faster

Life long strength training people sometimes have the opposite misconception about cardio.

You can lift heavy, get big, and still do cardio. Just do cardio different than a marathoner.

The extra endurance you gain from cardiovascular help, will increase endurance, recovery time, your immune system, and overall health.

Add in long slow cardio efforts, like walking, casual biking, rowing etc.

You can also add in short, intense, cardio bursts like; sprints, emoms, tabatas etc.

What use is it, if you are strong but get tired out from jogging for a few minutes.

Being a hybrid athlete, means you are well rounded, strong and ready to take on any athletic challenges. It is also the best way to achieve optimum full body health.

Reach out if live in Central Texas, and you need any help with your coaching or training.


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New Beginnings